Kuidas küll juhtub, et kangad, mis ostetud ja mille ostmisel head mõtted peas, kuidas nendest riietusesemd valmis peaks saama, kuidagi õnnetult kappi seisma jäävad... Ma ei hakkagi kõiki neid kangaid ja muid õmblemiseks vajalikke vahendeid kokku lugema. Aegajalt ikka mõtlen nendele ja luban, kohe-kohe võtan nad välja. Nii palju olen suutnud ikka ennast kontrollida, et ei luba enam kangapoe uksest ennast kergesti sisse astuda.
Leidsin selle toreda õblemisteemalise kollaazhi seinale panemiseks. Kasuta kõiki neid toredaid asju, mis juba lõpmatult kaua sahtlipõhjas peidus on.
Kõik need, kes tunnevad süümepiinu, et kodus nii mitu kangast oma järjekorda ootamas ja kange himu uus kangatükk osta, hoidke järgmisi soovitusi rahakoti vahel:
- It is a patriotic duty to support cotton farmers, textile mills and fabric shops.
- "Oh, it's not for me! I'm buying it for a friend!"
- It's on sale.
- I need extra weight in the trunk of my car for traction on snowy, icy roads. This is important, even in Florida and Southern California, as you never know when the weather will change.
- It's non-fattening.
- Like dust, it's good for protecting previously empty spaces in the house.
- Because it's there.
- It's much cheaper to cover the floor with fabric than new carpeting.
- The devil made you do it.
- It's the only remotely artistic thing I have ever done.
- I can't live without it.
- I have new shelves for fabric storage.
- It will go with some I bought last year.
- It's so pretty, and I'll use it some day.
- I want my daughter to have a proper inheritance.
- Without fabric, I would have nothing to do with my rotary cutter and my mat and my sewing machine.
- It does not promote tooth decay.
- It calms the nerves, gratifies the soul and makes one feel good.
- If I don't buy it now, I may never see it again.
- A large fabric stash is the sign of a creative mind.
- I owe myself a reward for that half-pound I lost last month.
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Võid siia jätta oma arvamuse. Need ilmuvad kohe-kohe! Nii et ainult kannatust :-)