Tom luges hirmuga mitu Ad ja Bd kokku oli. Ma ei mäleta, mis kokkulepe neil Kirkega oli. Kuid ühel meeleheite hetkel lubas ta tüdrukule koera, kui ta ometigi natuke rohkem hakkaks koolis pingutama. (Tomi lubaduse peale viiesele Marile, et kaheksandaks sünnipäevaks saab ta kiisu, pidime muidugi koju kassi võtma, nüüd vaatame, mis saab Kirkega).
Kirke õpetaja kirjutas: „Kirke (Kiki) has had a good first term in Grade 5. She is a pleasant and motivated student who shows quiet interest in class work. She uses her time in the classroom effectively, and she usually completes her classwork on time. Kiki is encouraged to proofread her work before handing it in to add increased detail, and to check for spelling/punctuation errors. Kiki is usually quiet during class discussions, and she is encouraged to participate more actively and consistently during class lessons and discussions. Kiki is working on identifying strengths and areas for improvement in her own work.”
Mari on nüüd seitsemandas klassis ning esimest korda on ta tunnistusel protsendid, mis jäid 77 kuni 96 vahele. 80+ tähendab, et laps ületab provintsi poolt oodatud oskusi. Kui tunnistusel 70-79, siis pead rahul olema, sest ta tulemused on just seal, mida eeldatakse. Kõik üle 90 saadud hinded olid matemaatikas ja teadusainetes.
„Mari has had a very successful start to grade 7. She regularly participates in class and group discussions, and is able to take on various roles in a group setting, including that of leader. Mari always comes to class prepared for learning and completes homework and assignments on time and to the best of her ability. She is encouraged to reflect on work that is returned to her in order to set increasingly challenging goals for herself in the second term. Congratulations on achieving honours this term!”