Laenan siin taas kellegi teise sõnu, et edasi anda, millest raamat jutustab. Huvitav, kuidas ta kasutab terminit: chick lit. Olen seda ainult filmide puhul näinud: chick flick, romantilised filmid, mida mehed vaatavad ainult siis, kui nad alles tüdrukuga väljas käivad :)
See raamat sai kiiruga raamatukogust kaasa haaratud ja taas kord ainult tema kogukuse pärast (pehmete kaante vahel üle tuhande lehekülje). Mulle meeldib lugeda just selliseid teoseid, mis minuga kauem kaasas käivad, et jõuan hästi tundma õppida kõiki tegelasi ja nende tegemisi. Eriliselt huvitav lisaks teemale, mis viib meid kahe kooli juurde - üks privaatkool, teine riigikool, milles õpivad väga vaeses linnaosas elavad noored.
Many chick lit readers will agree that Jilly Cooper is one of the queens of the genre. Her books are meaty, raunchy and impossible to put down.
Wicked! follows the formula tried and tested by two of England's greatest writers - Dickens and Shakespeare. Whereas one had opposed cities, and one had opposed families, Cooper takes two diametrically opposed schools. We are introduced first to Larkminster Comprehensive - pretty much imagine the worst school you've ever heard of, and make it about a million times worse. The school is so firmly in 'special measures' no one can imagine it lasting the school year... and to be honest with the rate of vandalism there probably won't be a school left to last. So enter Janna Curtis, part of a team which successful pulled a school in her native Yorkshire out of 'special measures', the newly appointed head teacher. She's not prepared to let this school close, deep down she knows that these troubled teenagers need love and support, not someone else giving up on them.
The second school is the affluent Bagley Hall, run by the charismatic Hengist Brett-Taylor. An independent school only a few lines further down the league table than such institutes of education as Eton and Harrow, the pupils include the offspring of politicians, world reknowned opera divas, and siblings of the local MP. To retain the financial support the government awards them, they need to show that they're giving back to the community - what better way than to offer support toward Larkminster? The fact that Janna is pretty and passionate is only a minor fact as far as Hengist is concerned.
Jim Priebe Takeout Double: A Bridge Mystery
Kanada kirjanik, bridzhimängijad mõrvaloo taustaks. Kahjuks ei midagi, mis oleks väga meeldinud. Liiga 'puhas' - halb ja hea, ei mingeid põnevaid sündmustiku keerdkäike või meeldejäävaid tegelasi.
Laenan siin taas kellegi teise sõnu, et edasi anda, millest raamat jutustab. Huvitav, kuidas ta kasutab terminit: chick lit. Olen seda ainult filmide puhul näinud: chick flick, romantilised filmid, mida mehed vaatavad ainult siis, kui nad alles tüdrukuga väljas käivad :)
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Võid siia jätta oma arvamuse. Need ilmuvad kohe-kohe! Nii et ainult kannatust :-)