Huvitav teos noorest naisest, kellel jaapanlasest isa ja ameeriklasest ema. Autor ise on sündinud Inglismaal sakslasest ja indialasest vanemate perre ning üles kasvanud Ameerikas. Ta on õppinud jaapani keelt, õpetanud inglise keelt Jaapanis. Raamatu leidsin uute soovitatud raamatute riiulis, aga tegelikult on see juba mitmes samade tegelastega.
Nagu enamus mu loetud kirjandusest on põnevikud või kriminullid, siis see kuulub samasse kategooriasse. Mis mulle väga meeldis oli sündmustiku paigutamine Tokyosse. Ma pean tunnistama, et teatud kohad maailmas on mulle alati huvi pakkunud, kuid Jaapan pole just üks nendest. Samas käivad mu tüdrukud karates, mis on toonud jaapani kultuuri palju lähemale. See teos annab väikese ülevaate tavajaapanlase kommetest, tööst. Teisalt tõstatab ta probleemi sega-abielus sündinud inimese teest oma koha leidmisest nii Jaapanis kui Ameerikas.
In the ninth Rei Shimura novel, former antiques dealer Rei is now working as a special informant (spy) for the Organization for Cultural Intelligence (OCI). Her training is cut short when the agency needs her to work undercover at the Japanese department store Mitsutan, where some financial irregularities have been reported. Using makeup and some forged records, Japanese American Rei is presented as a Japanese national in Tokyo, where she must try to fit in as a traditional Japanese woman, despite her American upbringing. She investigates while working as a salesclerk at the store until her cover is blown, and she must save herself and another member of the agency. The reader is immersed in the everyday world of the Japanese worker, from long workdays to the necessity to maintain a humble demeanor. The likable Rei, who is still getting over a failed romance, must fight a growing attraction to her boss while she tries to find her place in the world as a half-Japanese, half-American woman. An increasingly strong series mixing crime and multicultural awareness. Sue O'Brien Copyright © American Library Association.

Åke Edwardson „Never End”
Veel üks Rootsi kirjaniku raamat, mis tõlgitud inglise keelde. Minu jaoks eriti huvitav, sest tegevustik toimub Göteborgis, kus nii palju kohti tuttavad...
Swedish author Edwardson's 12 Eric Winter novels are best-sellers in Europe, but this is only the second of the series to be published in the U.S., following last year's Sun and Shadow. Winter, the fortysomething chief inspector of police in the coastal city of Gothenburg, takes every case hard but none harder than the unsolved rape-murder of a young woman five years ago. Now, as the city endures a summer heat wave, a serial killer with a similar MO has begun to prey on more young women. Obsessed with finding the link between the killings, Winter sweats his way through an investigation fraught with dead ends, all the while remonstrating himself for being inattentive to his new wife and child. In the manner of Henning Mankell and Ian Rankin, the focus of the novel shifts effectively between members of the investigatory team, all plagued with personal problems. Edwardson's series is as much about character interaction as it is about story, but he is no slouch at building suspense, and his ability to make the sweltering heat a kind of secondary character--as in Hitchcock's Rear Window--only adds to the tension. Bill Ott Copyright © American Library Association

Peter Robinson "Strange Affair"
"Robinson is one of those multiawarded authors (the Edgar, the Anthony, the Grand Prix de Litterature Policiere), who is absolutely reliable. This novel marks the fifteenth in the Inspector Alan Banks series, set in Yorkshire. Depressed over the loss of his cottage in a fire, Banks is galvanized into action by a pleading message from his estranged brother in London. When Banks travels to his wealthy brother's home, he finds it totally empty yet filled with disturbing clues as to the source of his brother's money. Banks' estranged lover and sidekick, Detective Annie Cabbot, is left to cope by herself with the investigation of the murder of a young woman on the motorway. When Cabbot finds a letter addressed to Banks on the victim, the reader knows that Robinson will tie the two investigations together in fiendishly clever ways. Another Robinson winner." Connie Fletcher
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
Ma pole kindel, kui palju Robinson juba sellest sarjast raamatuid on kirjutanud - minu jaoks oli see teine ja ma proovin kindlasti veelgi enam neid lugeda.
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