Joy Fielding „Puppet”
Kanada kirjanik, kellelt olen mitu aastat tagasi mõned raamatud lugenud.
Nüüd „avastasin” ta uuesti.
„Living a no-strings-attached life in glamorous Palm Beach, beautiful, steely-nerved criminal attorney Amanda Travis knows exactly what she likes: spinning classes, the color black, and one-night stands. Here's what she dislikes: the color pink, nicknames...and memories. Which is why she has shut the door on two ex-husbands, her estranged mother, and her hometown of Toronto. Then comes the news that will shatter Amanda's untouchable world: her mother, who has always held a strange power over everyone she encounters, has shot and killed a complete stranger. Forced to return to Toronto, Amanda must confront her demons and unravel the truth behind her mother's violent act -- while the taunting, teasing name from her past dances in her head...Puppet...telling her that someone else is orchestrating her fate.” www.joyfielding.com
„He was a very charming, charismatic man, as con artists usually are. They know instinctively what buttons to push, what words to say. I found him enormously appealing. Everyone did. Even my mother thought he was wonderful. Until he cheated my father out of his life savings, of course.” Ma pidin selle katkendi siia panema, sest arvasin, et ei lange kunagi selliste inimeste lõksu, aga tegelikkus on olnud teine... Väline sarm ja ülim sõbralikkus ainult selleks, et oma kasu taga ajada!
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Võid siia jätta oma arvamuse. Need ilmuvad kohe-kohe! Nii et ainult kannatust :-)