Panen siia ühe sõjateemalise luuletuse, mille minu suur laps hiljuti kirja pani. Muuseas... eelmisel aastal saadeti Torontost jõulukingitusi eestlastest sõduritele Afganistanis, kaasas kirjad Eesti Kooli õpilastelt (loe siit) ning nii mitmedki said sõduritelt vastuse tagasi. Mari oli tubli ning vastas omakorda. Nõnda on tal hea võimalus oma eesti keelt treenida.
An Unforgettable War
A war we never understand,
but still we will demand,
for the fighting to begin,
and our soldiers will march in,
to die for our sake
But still they leave heartaches.
You will never forget,
that they saved us from threat,
for they now lie forever,
in silent fields,
so remember,
and remember them well.
They once lived,
and wished to survive,
to be able to care,
to breath fresh winter air,
to spare a breath,
and to hope not for death.
But when all else failed,
the unwanted truth unveiled,
they knew their time was done,
and were ready for the gun,
that would seal their life,
with little strife.
He neither felt the shot nor heard it,
but he knew he was hit,
for the blossoming hole,
which leaked out his soul,
but at least he knew,
he was given a clue.
All the soldiers dead,
their blood out they bled,
both sides in devastation,
both with an expectation,
for a win nonetheless,
but all it brought was distress.
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Võid siia jätta oma arvamuse. Need ilmuvad kohe-kohe! Nii et ainult kannatust :-)