Kanada vabandas ametlikult kõigi põlisrahvaste ees, kellele suruti peale siinset koolisüsteemi, mis tähendas laste kodudest äraviimist, et paremini muuta siinsed indiaanlased ja inuitid euroopa malli järgi kodanikeks (1870-1970).
Sarnane vabandus esitati veebruaris Austraalia valitsuse poolt nende põlisrahvastele.
Kas pole tuttav... Suruda maha selle maa elanike kultuur ja keel ning muuta nad sarnaseks sissetungijate omale! Õnneks ei läinud see neil väga hästi korda, kuid lugematul arvul lapsi ja peresid kannatasid selle all! Loe artiklit. Pean tunnistama, et ajalooõpikutest sai küll loetud pahadest valgetest, kes vallutasid indiaanlaste maad, kuid kunagi ei saanud sügavuti süveneda, mis täpselt hiljem juhtus. Nii mõnigi asi on mind siin lihtsalt uskumatusest pead vangutama pannud... Praeguseks on indiaanlased saanud üsna palju õigusi võrreldes tavalise elanikuga. Kahjuks ei tööta see alati nende kasuks. Vahel mõtlen, et nende probleemidele peaks teistmoodi lähenema, muidu manduvad nad oma elukohtades mitte midagi tehes...
Panen siia kirja peaminister Harper'i sõnad:
On behalf of the government of Canada and all Canadians, I stand before you, in this chamber so vital, central to our life as a country, to apologize to aboriginal peoples for the role the government of Canada played in the Indian residential schools system.
To the approximately 80,000 living former students, and all family members and communities, the government of Canada now recognizes that it was wrong to forcibly remove children from their homes and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that it was wrong to separate children from rich and vibrant cultures and traditions, that it created a void in many lives and communities, and we apologize from having done this.
We now recognize that, in separating children from their families, we undermined the ability of many to adequately parent their own children and sowed the seeds for generations to follow, and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that, far too often, these institutions gave rise to abuse or neglect and were inadequately controlled, and we apologize for failing to protect you.
Not only did you suffer these abuses as children, but as you became parents, you were powerless to protect your own children from suffering the same experience, and for this we are sorry.
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Võid siia jätta oma arvamuse. Need ilmuvad kohe-kohe! Nii et ainult kannatust :-)